If you have recently bought a new house, insurance might not be your focus. This is to be expected. You have to move in. You have contracts to understand and sign. You need to find a grocery store. There are plenty of things to think about when purchasing a new home.
Insurance is a boring but important subject. We tend to think about insurance only when we really need insurance, which can be a mistake. Knowing a little about how insurance works can save you a lot of headaches when it comes time to purchase a policy or file a claim.
First of all, you must realize that to an insurance company we are just a bunch of statistics. They don't see names or faces, only numbers and tables, and who you are means nothing to them. Factors your job and where your house is located come into play when a company provides a quote for you.
Before asking for a quote from any home insurance agent, you really should know the value of your residence, and that means the replacement cost. This may be very different from the buying price. A house builder in your area may be the best source for this type of valuable information. Knowing this figure will help you begin the process.
Shopping for insurance is like any other service you may need. It can pay to shop around because premiums from companies will vary. Also, shopping by the lowest price alone, while tempting, may be a mistake. For instance, some companies may have a poor track record when it comes to paying claims. A few minutes of basic research can keep you from making a poor decision based solely on price.
New home insurance is something the bank will require you to have, but their only concern is that you have enough coverage to protect them for the amount of the loan. Remember that a basic policy may not even cover the replacement cost for your house. Even though it may be boring and complicated, it will be in your best interest to read all your insurance documents carefully to be sure you have enough coverage should disaster strike.