When first starting out on their own, most people know that it's vital to have insurance, but what many people don't know is what type of insurance they need to have. Sure, you've got your car insurance if you happen to own a car, but what do you do about insurance for your home? Well, that depends on whether or not you actually own your home. There is regular homeowners insurance for those who own a home and contents house insurance for those who don't. Here's what you need to know about their differences and similarities.
Homeowner's insurance is formulated to insure your entire home. Buying a house is one of the biggest investments that you'll ever make, so it would be pretty terrible if that investment were to be wrecked without your having any way to fix the problem or get your money back. This is where homeowner's insurance comes in. With this type of insurance, you actually pay a company to take care of damages if and when the unexpected happens. If your home is leveled by a fire, then you'll be paid to rebuild it. Generally, if one part of your home is damaged by fire or flooding from broken pipes, then you'll get money to renovate that part of your home.
Contents house insurance is a bit different. As you can probably tell from the title, this type of insurance, also known as renter's insurance, covers the actual contents of your home. Basically, your landlord should have insurance that covers the structure of the home you're living in, which you don't own. You, however, will be responsible for your own goods that are inside the home.